sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Baroque Assignment: Vivaldi's 4 Seasons

Everybody has heard this piece of music in their lives. It's one of the most representatives pieces of art in the 18th century.

Written by Antonio Vivaldi in 1725 in a set of 12 concerto's named: "Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Test of Harmony and Invention)." One of the 500 composed concertos had to become a hit, right?

The King Louis XV of France, heard and loved the Spring season's music and he ordered to perform it at the most unexpected moments. That's why it became so popular.

The song is divided in 4 different seasons:

1.- Spring
2.- Summer
3.- Autumn
4.- Winter

The first one represents (obviously) the Spring, the music is a little bit energetic but beautiful, it represents the calm of the spring and the flowers, it's just beautiful how the music can represent the season.

The second one is the Summer, is a little bit darker due the constat rains in the summer and it's way more concentrated on the violin.

The third one is Autumn, I don't know why, but I find this season more relaxing than the Spring, the color of the leaves, the pacific wind, the air, the smell, everything.

The final one is the Winter, obviously this is supposed to be the darkest one due to all the cold and ice in this season, is also a little bit darker and they concentrate a little bit more on the low notes.



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