viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

The House of Hanover

The House of Hanover,  refers to the succesion line of:

  • George I
  • George II
  • George III
  • George IV

In the video, we only see the succesion to the throne of George I and George II.

The King George I came to the throne thanks that he was a protestant. He was the number 51 (approx.) and all the others 50 before him were catholic, the British Empire didn't wanted a catholic king.

George I was from Germany originally, and he actually never learned how to speak english, he just knew a few words. Obviously a few people were against his crowning (more specifically the Tories).

The Tories thought that the decision of making someone king just because he was a protestant wasn't a good idea, they though that a catholic person could do a work equally right. The Whig party on the other hand, really wanted to be ruled by a protestant, so you can see the conflict here.

Another problem was the relationship between George I - George II, they hated each other actually. They hated each other due that George I accused his wife (Princess Sophie Dorothea) of adultery and he banned her from seeing her kids, obviously George II (son of Princess Sophie)never forgave his father for separating him from his mother.

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Baroque Assignment: Vivaldi's 4 Seasons

Everybody has heard this piece of music in their lives. It's one of the most representatives pieces of art in the 18th century.

Written by Antonio Vivaldi in 1725 in a set of 12 concerto's named: "Il cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione (The Test of Harmony and Invention)." One of the 500 composed concertos had to become a hit, right?

The King Louis XV of France, heard and loved the Spring season's music and he ordered to perform it at the most unexpected moments. That's why it became so popular.

The song is divided in 4 different seasons:

1.- Spring
2.- Summer
3.- Autumn
4.- Winter

The first one represents (obviously) the Spring, the music is a little bit energetic but beautiful, it represents the calm of the spring and the flowers, it's just beautiful how the music can represent the season.

The second one is the Summer, is a little bit darker due the constat rains in the summer and it's way more concentrated on the violin.

The third one is Autumn, I don't know why, but I find this season more relaxing than the Spring, the color of the leaves, the pacific wind, the air, the smell, everything.

The final one is the Winter, obviously this is supposed to be the darkest one due to all the cold and ice in this season, is also a little bit darker and they concentrate a little bit more on the low notes.


lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

History Song

The first song that came to my mind when I read this homework was this one: "Pero - Mero", in English is "But - Mero". I don't know if this song actually counts because instead of talking about the event of 11/09/01. It talks more about how can everything be a conspiracy of the goverment, and shows some "proofs" that were extracted from a documental (I guess, 'cause I remember that I saw THAT documental). Here's the song:

Even tough it can be false, I still think is a great song, 'cause is kind of catchy :)

Now, if you want a 100% true event, we can talk about the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

This song is about the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the fall of communism in Germany, ending 40 years of dictatorial Communist rule. The song also address the fall of communism in Moscow (Russia) and details the waste of time that pasted before freedom was brought to these places, the joy of democracy and emotions of the times... Or at least that's what I think.

"The drum part in this song was inspired by a different part of the world. One hot night I lay under the stars on a rooftop in Togo and heard the sound of drums from across the valley. Even on the edge of sleep the drumming moved me, the rhythm stayed in my head, and while working on this song I used variations of it and other West African influences." 

(Neil Peart explaining the percussion aspect of the song)

The inspiration (obviusly) came because of the fall of the Berlin Wall, everybody was happy, but this song talks more deeply about it, what does it means, why it took so many time to this to happen and who is going to give back all the time of suffering to the people who suffered because of this wall.