lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

Paraguay's Video Assingment

The Paraguay video talk us about the independence of Paraguay, they're proud to be the first Latin-American country to get its independence, and it’s also one of the “cleanest” ones.

The video show us some classic characters of the independence like: Gaspar Rodríguez de FranciaManuel BelgranoPedro Juan Caballero, etc.

It also show us how important was Francia for the Independence, all the plan that he made and always thinking in a cold mode. Unfortunately, after the independence he turned himself into a dictator due to his dream to make Paraguay an Utopia, the perfect society.

It show us how the Argentina confederation influence the Independence and the crisis that the governor, Velasco had to deal with, he even asked for help to the Portuguese.

But finally, Paraguay got its independence in 1811 in less than a month.

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