lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Clash of The Titans - Reaction

Clash of The Titans tells the story of the demi-god Perseus.

In the movie, Perseus is a demi-god that is son of Zeus and Danae (Just like in the greek mythology). Acrisius, the husband of Danae, finds out that Danae has a son. Angry by that, Acrisius kill his wife and put her in a coffin with the baby and throws it to the sea.

Poseidón calms the wáter (by order of Zeus) and transport the baby to another island, where is adopted by normal humns. Time pases and Perseus is now an adult, the old King dies and then another King is show-up. His name is Cepheus.

Cepheusdestroys and old temple from Zeus and then Hades (jealous brother from Zeus) attack the city by the sin comitted. The adoptive family of Perseus dies and then at the night, Hades shows-up and says that they must sacrifice Andrómeda to the Cetus (Kraken) so they can live.

Our hero Perseus got into a lot of problems, like killing Medusa, fighting the Cetus and all this stuff just to prove that he is a demi-god and so he can sabe Andrómeda.

Now, I personally liked this movie because it has good visual effects and great dialogues and not to mention the performance of the actor, but what all of this has to do with the ORIGINAL greek history. Well let's find out:


* Andrómeda is mean to be sacrificed to the Cetus
* Perseus saves her
* Acrisius throws the coffin to the wáter
* Perseus is son of Zeus
* Perseus is raised by normal humans
* Perseus kills Medusa


* Hades didn't attacked the city of Perseus, it was Poseidón
* The attack wasn't because of a temple, it was because Andrómeda was more beautiful than the Nereids
* Acrisius didn't killed his daughter, but yes, he put her in a coffin and throw it to the wáter
* Perseus didn't killed Medusa to sabe Andrómeda, it was a gift to the King about that time in his city

But all this incoerences are understandable, ¿Why? Because it's an EPIC movie, tou have to change things a little so you can get your attention on it. I mean is not perfect, but it explain the basic things so, I'm happy with it.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Sumeria - The first civilization

The Sumerian people were the first civilization in the history of humanity. Sumerian people were very advanced for the time of 3000 BC - 2000BC (Mainly caused by their innovative type of agriculture). Sumerian people also were the first civilization to create the writing, this was a huge advace for the humanity. They also created their own houses and the houses were very similar to Aztecs homes. Nowadays, the Sumerian people live in the actual Iraq and they're very excluded from the actual civilization... Oh they also invented beer :D