lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

The Silver Pharoah Mystery

Uncovered intact by Pierre Montet in 1940,the pharaoh's mummy was encased in an extraordinary silver casket, unique in the history of Ancient Egypt. This casket was the one from the pharaoh Psusennes I, Psusennes I was the third king of the Twenty-first dynasty of Egypt who ruled from Tanis between 1047 – 1001 BC. Psusennes is the Greek version of his original name Pasebakhaenniut which means "The Star Appearing in the City" while his throne name, Akheperre Setepenamun, translates as "Great are the Manifestations of Ra, chosen of Amun." This discover was interrupted due the World War II and the approaching to Egypt from the Nazis, 5 years later they continued with the examination, till now nobody knows exactly WHY he choose silver (Due that every other pharaoh has a gold casket). This casket was harder to produce due that the silver is less moldable than the gold, it was recently discovered that Psusennes I had a bone disease, still,  his kingdom lasted over 46 years (when the life time in that time was about 35 years) He also moved the capital from the kingdom to another city. This events and the actions he made, make him one of the greatest pharaohs of the ancient egypt.

Personally I think Psusennes I was one of the greatest pharaohs (just behind Ramesses II and Tutankhamun) I still can't belive he actually moved the capital to another city and made a lot of strategical movements to get the throne as pharaoh and higher priest. Possibly he wanted to be inmortal, and looking back, he got what he wanted most.

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013


Hello, this is my presentation on this new blog I just created so... Let's get started.

My name is Javier Luna, I'm 15 years old, my birthday is the 09 of August and my favorite color is the green. I don't know why... it's just my favorite color.

So that's the basic information. I love to eat shrimps, they are my weakness (and I bet I'm not the only one that loves to eat shrimps). My medium school promedium was 9.7 and in primary school was 9.9 (My name was the name of that generation) They think I'm very smart... and yes I'm but... I'm not that smart, I mean, I just studied like 30 minutes and did my homework and i get those grades... I don't know if it was too easy or I'm very smart, I don't know. I just know i love to eat shrimps xD.

My hobbie is to make videos in videogames, those things are called machinimas. Maybe you know them, maybe not but... Those little videos are my pasion, so in the future I want to be a graduated in animation and digital art, to make better videos, better stories and that kind of stuff.

Sometimes I'm to shy and I don't socialize too much but, I'm going to try to fix that and be more sociable and have more friends (Obviously being careful with my friends and not to be a friend of a jerk).

My favorite part of the history is the ancient greek, I love the mithology they had, Zeus, Cronos, Chaos, Poseidon... it's great. So if you could please teach us more about the history of the ancient greek's Gods & Titans it would be awesome :)

I hope you enjoyed this article and... Goodbye, see you on the next class

Att: Javier Luna, Group 11.