lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

Omar Khayyam - Biography

Omar Khayyam

A hair divides what is false and true.” (Omar Khayyam)

Omar Khayyam was born on the 18th of May, 1048 AD in Iran. His full name was: Ghiyath al-Din Abu’l-Fath Umar Ibn Ibrahim Al-Nisaburi al-Khayyami. He was born into a family of tent makers, he spent part of his childhood in the town of Balkh, (in actual northern Afghanistan) studying under Sheik Muhammad Mansuri. 

Later on, he studied under Imam Mowaffaq Nishapuri (who was considered one of the greatest teachers of the Khorassan region, in actual Afghanistan) . Khayyam had notable works in geometry, particularly on the theory of proportions since he was a child.

He was a Persian polymath. Mathematician, philosopher, astronomer, physician, and poet.

He wrote treatises on mechanics, geography, music, etc. He also made BIG contributions to the geometry. Not only that he also helped a lot to the algebra, because Khayyam was the first mathematician who noticed the importance of a general binomial theorem. The argument supporting the claim that Khayyam had a general binomial theorem is based on his ability to extract roots.

Another achievement in the algebra text is Khayyam's realisation that a cubic equation can have more than one solution. He demonstrated the existence of equations having two solutions, but unfortunately he does not appear to have found that a cubic can have three solutions. He did hope that "arithmetic solutions" might be found one day when he wrote.

Khayyam was also part of a panel that introduced several reforms to the Persian calendar. On March 15, 1079, Sultan Malik Shah, accepted this corrected calendar as the official Persian calendar.


(Persian calendar)

Outside the world of mathematics, Khayyam is best known as a result of Edward Fitzgerald's popular translation in 1859 of nearly 600 short four line poems the Rubaiyat. Khayyam's fame as a poet has caused some to forget his scientific achievements which were much more substantial. Versions of the forms and verses used in the Rubaiyat existed in Persian literature before Khayyam, and only about 120 of the verses can be attributed to him with certainty.

Khayyam’s personal beliefs are discernible from his poetic oeuvre. In his own writings, Khayyam rejects strict religious structure and a literalist conception of the afterlife.
According to some recordings. Khayyam taught for decades the philosophy of Avicenna, especially in his home town: Nishapur, till his death. Khayyam, the philosopher can be understood from two rather distinct sources. One is through his Rubaiyat and the other through his own works in light of the intellectual and social conditions of his time. 

As a mathematician, Khayyam has made fundamental contributions to the Philosophy of mathematics especially in the context of Persian Mathematics and Persian philosophy with which, most of the other Persian scientists and philosophers like: Avicenna, Biruni, and Tusi are associated with his works.

Of all of his verses, the best known is this one:
The Moving Finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

Omer Khayyam passed away on December the 4th 1131 in Nishapur, Persia now known as Iran.

Omar Khayyam. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2013, from Web site: Read more at


Personarte. (1993). Recuperado el 25 de November de 2013, de
J J O'Connor, E. F. (1999). Hystory. Recuperado el 25 de November de 2013, de

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

History Articles

What sorts of discoveries and findings are being made in history today?

Most of them are bout some artifacts that the people in past had or places that people constructed in other periods of times that they were thought by the historians, comparing them to the things on that period of time and their knowledge about that time.

In what ways are these discoveries and findings being made?

Some of them are discovered by historians and paleontologist or specialized people that had worked during a lot of time to find some things, and in other discoveries, they are found by normal people, people that had no clue what they were till they found out by the museums or the specialist

What was unusual about some of the findings discussed in the articles?

That they were discovered by normal people, people who didn’t had a clue, people who were not a specialist on the history

Every new finding needs to be compared to similar findings that are already known. ¿Why?

Because it needs to be proved that is real and that is not from other things, it needs to be putted in a long process to see their similarities with other things that are known that are truth and their properties, including their aspect, what material is made of, how much time it has been since it was created, etc.

Was everyone involved in these findings a professional historian or scholar? How might you and your friends make similar findings?

No, the 3rd and 5th article are discovered by normal people, non a professional historian or scholar. And one of the ways we could find something is by luck, like 2 of the people in the articles did, just by curiosity or going into a cave that no one has noticed it existed.

What are some of the facts you learned form the articles?

1.    That a normal guy can find something very important in history

2.    That there have been a lot of things that we didn’t care about and could be something important to the history

3.    That these things need to be examined more carefully

Many of these findings were made at physical sites. What dangers are historic sites exposed to?

Wars, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, constructions, animals step on it, and pretty much every human or natural disaster close to (or in) that place.

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Clash of The Titans - Reaction

Clash of The Titans tells the story of the demi-god Perseus.

In the movie, Perseus is a demi-god that is son of Zeus and Danae (Just like in the greek mythology). Acrisius, the husband of Danae, finds out that Danae has a son. Angry by that, Acrisius kill his wife and put her in a coffin with the baby and throws it to the sea.

Poseidón calms the wáter (by order of Zeus) and transport the baby to another island, where is adopted by normal humns. Time pases and Perseus is now an adult, the old King dies and then another King is show-up. His name is Cepheus.

Cepheusdestroys and old temple from Zeus and then Hades (jealous brother from Zeus) attack the city by the sin comitted. The adoptive family of Perseus dies and then at the night, Hades shows-up and says that they must sacrifice Andrómeda to the Cetus (Kraken) so they can live.

Our hero Perseus got into a lot of problems, like killing Medusa, fighting the Cetus and all this stuff just to prove that he is a demi-god and so he can sabe Andrómeda.

Now, I personally liked this movie because it has good visual effects and great dialogues and not to mention the performance of the actor, but what all of this has to do with the ORIGINAL greek history. Well let's find out:


* Andrómeda is mean to be sacrificed to the Cetus
* Perseus saves her
* Acrisius throws the coffin to the wáter
* Perseus is son of Zeus
* Perseus is raised by normal humans
* Perseus kills Medusa


* Hades didn't attacked the city of Perseus, it was Poseidón
* The attack wasn't because of a temple, it was because Andrómeda was more beautiful than the Nereids
* Acrisius didn't killed his daughter, but yes, he put her in a coffin and throw it to the wáter
* Perseus didn't killed Medusa to sabe Andrómeda, it was a gift to the King about that time in his city

But all this incoerences are understandable, ¿Why? Because it's an EPIC movie, tou have to change things a little so you can get your attention on it. I mean is not perfect, but it explain the basic things so, I'm happy with it.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Sumeria - The first civilization

The Sumerian people were the first civilization in the history of humanity. Sumerian people were very advanced for the time of 3000 BC - 2000BC (Mainly caused by their innovative type of agriculture). Sumerian people also were the first civilization to create the writing, this was a huge advace for the humanity. They also created their own houses and the houses were very similar to Aztecs homes. Nowadays, the Sumerian people live in the actual Iraq and they're very excluded from the actual civilization... Oh they also invented beer :D

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

The Silver Pharoah Mystery

Uncovered intact by Pierre Montet in 1940,the pharaoh's mummy was encased in an extraordinary silver casket, unique in the history of Ancient Egypt. This casket was the one from the pharaoh Psusennes I, Psusennes I was the third king of the Twenty-first dynasty of Egypt who ruled from Tanis between 1047 – 1001 BC. Psusennes is the Greek version of his original name Pasebakhaenniut which means "The Star Appearing in the City" while his throne name, Akheperre Setepenamun, translates as "Great are the Manifestations of Ra, chosen of Amun." This discover was interrupted due the World War II and the approaching to Egypt from the Nazis, 5 years later they continued with the examination, till now nobody knows exactly WHY he choose silver (Due that every other pharaoh has a gold casket). This casket was harder to produce due that the silver is less moldable than the gold, it was recently discovered that Psusennes I had a bone disease, still,  his kingdom lasted over 46 years (when the life time in that time was about 35 years) He also moved the capital from the kingdom to another city. This events and the actions he made, make him one of the greatest pharaohs of the ancient egypt.

Personally I think Psusennes I was one of the greatest pharaohs (just behind Ramesses II and Tutankhamun) I still can't belive he actually moved the capital to another city and made a lot of strategical movements to get the throne as pharaoh and higher priest. Possibly he wanted to be inmortal, and looking back, he got what he wanted most.

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013


Hello, this is my presentation on this new blog I just created so... Let's get started.

My name is Javier Luna, I'm 15 years old, my birthday is the 09 of August and my favorite color is the green. I don't know why... it's just my favorite color.

So that's the basic information. I love to eat shrimps, they are my weakness (and I bet I'm not the only one that loves to eat shrimps). My medium school promedium was 9.7 and in primary school was 9.9 (My name was the name of that generation) They think I'm very smart... and yes I'm but... I'm not that smart, I mean, I just studied like 30 minutes and did my homework and i get those grades... I don't know if it was too easy or I'm very smart, I don't know. I just know i love to eat shrimps xD.

My hobbie is to make videos in videogames, those things are called machinimas. Maybe you know them, maybe not but... Those little videos are my pasion, so in the future I want to be a graduated in animation and digital art, to make better videos, better stories and that kind of stuff.

Sometimes I'm to shy and I don't socialize too much but, I'm going to try to fix that and be more sociable and have more friends (Obviously being careful with my friends and not to be a friend of a jerk).

My favorite part of the history is the ancient greek, I love the mithology they had, Zeus, Cronos, Chaos, Poseidon... it's great. So if you could please teach us more about the history of the ancient greek's Gods & Titans it would be awesome :)

I hope you enjoyed this article and... Goodbye, see you on the next class

Att: Javier Luna, Group 11.